Thursday, December 11, 2008

criblog (tales from the monitor)

Let's start with my favorite. Overheard one morning:

ALEPH [singing]: -we all live in a green submarine-
-a green submarine-

BET: how 'bout cows?

ALEPH: no! i am singing green submarine.

BET: how 'bout yellow?

ALEPH: no! i am singing green submarine.

BET: how 'bout yellow?

ALEPH: i am singing green submarine first, and THEN i will sing yellow submarine.
-we all live in a green submarine-

BET: i'm gonna sing cows.

ALEPH: -a green submarine-

BET: -we're remarkable cows-


Emma said...

You're BACK! Fantastic! Happy day!!! I've missed you, amiga.

shanna said...

Paul and John: the TRUE story.

Jody said...

Man, you're killing me here! Too adorable for words!

This is a reason to blog, right here.

Lyrehca said...

Welcome back. Great stuff.