Wednesday, December 10, 2008

to blog or not to blog, that is the question.


Eva said...

Blog, please. On another blog somewhere someone said something about how you were missed. You are.

Cass said...

Yes, please. I've missed you!

shanna said...

I believe I answered this question already. For YOU I mean.

Unknown said...

Blog please!

BrooklynGirl said...

Choose blogging!

Erin said...


Anonymous said...

We keep your in our blogreaders with hopes you'll blog again!

Jody said...

Whether 'tis nobler in the 'Net to offer
The toys and diapers of persistent children,
Or to take leave of a sea of memes,
And by departing end them?

Anonymous said...

To blog! You are missed. :)

Anonymous said...

Another one here asking you to please blog. We have missed you so much! Take care.

Anonymous said...

how is that even a question? of course to blog!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss your witty imssives and wonder how youve been doing!


Anonymous said...

I for one so miss your blog and have kept you in my bloglines in hopes that you will come back... please do.

mMm said...

would love to hear how things are!

Anonymous said...

Please blog. I was so excited to see you in my reader today. I miss you terribly.

DeadBug said...

Yes, yes, yes, please!

Anonymous said...


persephone said...

Hee hee hee. Ladies and gentlemen, may I present: Jody.

Aw, I missed you guys too! Thanks for the welcome back.